
Saturday, November 13, 2010

red fruit

Sense of the curious property of Papua red fruit is encouraging many people to try it out. Result, the many testimonials of recovery but there is also no effect.

Is the plant is a medicine? Yellia Mangan, herbalis that many people cure cancer with herbal ingredients is of another. He is still a lot of research to be done on the plantation commodities popular this quickly.

According to him, based on testimony-testimony, that many are cured with red fruit. However, research has not been thorough. So, if will take advantage of red fruit should not be ongoing, but stop if thirst disease is cured. During take the medicine, Yellia also suggested to check the rough-cholesterol and blood sugar. In addition, should also be looking at whether the true effect can reduce uric acid (acid strand) or not. This can be done one or the lapse of two weeks after mengonsumsi juice red. If there are positive changes, the red fruit oil can be resumed, even medicine physician can also be abandoned.

Gynecology vitamin E are also high feasible. In general, the needs of vitamin E is an ideal 100iU. Meanwhile, for the fitness of the body can 400iU. Among women manopause need 800iU. Vitamin has obtained the body of 10-15 IU of food consumed each day. Individuals who consume supplements containing high dose of Vitamin E, it is recommended not consume red fruit, or if will consume, should leave the vitamin E supplement is. This is because vitamin E is too high can dilute the blood, in fact, even cause blindness. Consequently, although the fruit is classified as a red food supplements, pemakaiannya must be careful and in control of a doctor.

According to the conclusions Yellia, red fruit this function as imunostimulator, add stamina, adaptogen, lower blood pressure, prevent blindness, helps cure diabetes, prevent and help cure osteoporosis, improving the system of the heart and pancreas, and as antioxidants.

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