
Monday, November 15, 2010

What Are the Best Herbs to Have in Your Home Herb Garden?

What Are the Best Herbs to Have in Your Home Herb Garden?When you want to grow your own herb garden, you should first consider what kind of herbs you want to have; from there you can start choosing from what's the most useful herb for you and your family. By choosing a plant that you can grow in your own home herb garden, you can consider their usefulness, you can choose from kitchen herbs which you can use in cooking, herbs that heal for example Aloe Vera and herbs for skincare.

When growing herbs, water and sunlight are essential, so you need to find a particular space that's conducive for plants. If you have decided to grow herbs for their healing properties, you can choose from the following herbal plants:

· Marsh mallow - its soothing properties makes it mixed up with different kinds of lotions and oils. It can also be used as a tea to easily soothe colds and coughs, it's also best for loose bowels.

· Elderberry - it's a delicious berry used to treat flu. Its mixture is great tasting that's why it's not hard to drink when made as a tea.

· Cleavers - it's often found in woods and streams. It's best in treating urinary tract, its diuretics and anti inflammatory properties are best for painful urination and kidney stones.

· Slippery elm - it's used in treating sore throat and colds.

· Red clover - it's an herbal tonic drink for children and women.

· Lemon balm - it's best for the stomach and digestive tract.

· Peppermint - it's a soothing remedy inside and out of the body. It's commonly used during hot weather; it's good for upset stomach.

· Raspberry - it's a wonder food because, it's not just tasty, and it also provides you with antioxidants that fight certain cancers.

· Lavender - commonly used as the love herb. Its gentle ingredient is known to mix up with soap and other beauty products.

These are just some of the most well known herbs you can nurture at home for healthcare properties. They can all grow efficiently in your own garden provided you have enough space to let them grow freely. Since the ancient times, many people were known to be fans of herbal products. They continuously look for plants that can help them get relief from illnesses. Through the years, people have arrived at using a particular plant that helped them in solving their health problems without spending a lot of money.

Although modern medicine takes the main scene, herb gardening is still being used by a lot of people today because it's not just cheap, it provides them with health benefits. Having your herb gardening area will provide you with enough room for healing common ailments. Seeing your plants grow through your effort will give you great pride and satisfaction. Gardening is not just a hobby; it is also a way of releasing stress. Nature has its way of helping people through natural remedies. Find yourself with home gardening, start it with herbs.

What Are the Best Herbs to Have in Your Home Herb Garden?

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